$247.00 USD

Biomechanics of Lifting Weights

Start the Course Now!

You've been looking for this course. Take the first step to learning really WHY exercise selection and form matter, for strength AND hypertrophy.

Through this course, you will:

  • Be empowered to train smarter
  • Increase confidence in the gym
  • Understand muscle anatomy
  • Understand resistance profiles
  • Understand physics of movement
  • Learn to choose exercises for desired results
  • Learn to set up for quality form
  • Learn technique to reduce injury
  • Find quality alternative exercises for home and preference


What's In The Course


  1.  Purpose of the course
  2. Course Layout


  1. Resistance Profile
  2. Strength Curve
  3. Muscle Lengths; lengthened, mid, short ranges
  4. Range of Motion
  5. Line of Force
  6. Axis (Fulcrum)
  7. Basics of Joints
  8. Moment Arms
  9. Manipulating Exercises - Bars/Dumbbells 
  10. Redirection - Machines
  11. Redirection Continued - Pulleys / Dumbbells
  12. Inertia & Momentum


  1. Deltoid Muscle
    1. Deltoid Anatomy
    2. Anterior Delt in the Gym
    3. Anterior Delt Common Mistakes
    4. Lateral Delts in the Gym
    5. Lateral Delts - Most Common Mistakes
    6. Posterior Delts in the Gym
  2. Biceps / Elbow Flexors
    1. Biceps Anatomy
    2. Biceps in the Gym
    3. Biceps Common Mistakes
  3. Pectoralis Major
    1. Pecs Anatomy
    2. Pecs in the Gym
    3. Pecs - Most Common Mistakes
  4. Triceps
    1. Triceps Anatomy
    2. Triceps in the Gym
    3. Triceps Most Common Mistakes
  5. Glutes
    1. Glute Max Anatomy
    2. Glute Med/Min/TFL Anatomy
    3. Paths of Motion for the Glutes
    4. Glutes in the Gym
    5. Kickbacks
  6. Calves
    1. Plantar  Flexion / Dorsiflexion Review
    2. Calves Anatomy
    3. Calves in the Gym
    4. Calves Common Mistakes
  7. Back
    1. Traps / Rhomboid Anatomy
    2. Lats
    3. Back in the Gym
    4. Back Common Mistakes
  8. Abs / External Obliques / TVA
    1. Core Anatomy
    2. Abs in the Gym
    3. Core Quiz
  9. Hip Flexors
    1. Hip Flexor Anatomy
    2. Hip flexion Quiz
    3. Hip Flexors in the Gym
  10. Adductors
    1. Adductors Anatomy
    2. Adductors in the Gym
    3. Adductors Mistakes
  11. Hamstrings
    1. Hamstring Anatomy
    2. Hamstrings in the Gym
  12. Quadriceps
    1. Quadriceps Anatomy
    2. Quads in the Gym
    3. Hack Squat Substitute at Home

Exercise Alternatives

  1. How to Figure Out Alternatives

Exercise Library

  • 171 Exercise Videos - to understand setup and form execution